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Health & Safety 

CBL is committed to Health & Safety in all aspects of its work including a commitment to employees, customers, suppliers and members of the public.

Safety instructions are always issued with every hire.  Additional copies are available from your local centre.

Mark Hodge, Operations Director, and Graham Cook, Group Service Manager are CBL’s Health & Safety Advisors.
They advise Charlotte Barford who, with them, ensures the implementation of CBL’s Health and Safety Policy.

Mark is assisted by Health and Safety Deputies Tim Hanson and Kevin Clark.  These deputies are trained to the minimum of IOSH Managing Safely. 

Profile of Mark Hodge, Operations Director
In addition to his role as Operations Director for CBL, Mark Hodge oversees the group’s Quality Procedures and ISO 9001 accreditation and, as the Company’s CPC holder, the smooth running of CBL’s transport operations. Mark is a Chartered Fellow of IOSH and is Health & Safety qualified to NEBOSH National Certificate in Health & Safety, NVQ Level 4 in Health & Safety and NVQ Level 5 in General Management.

Should you wish to contact Mark, please do so on 07768 538366. As a Chartered Member of IOSH, and with CBL registered on the OSHCR (Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register), Mark would be pleased to assist you in your H&S requirements.  Please contact him for more information.

Health & Safety General Policy Statement

The Managing Director and the Management Team of Clive Barford Ltd (CBL) are committed to the basic requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act and to the additional requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. The company aims to ensure high standards of health, safety, and welfare for its employees and others affected by its operations.

It is therefore the company’s policy to minimise personal injury, ill health, stress and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable risks and hazards. This includes non-employees of the company possibly affected by the operations of the company, its products and services. The company will seek advice from the Health and Safety Advisors Mark Hodge and Graham Cook, who will advise with the assistance of the Health and Safety Deputies Tim Hanson and Kevin Clark.

In particular, the company will:
Ensure safe access and egress at its places of work.
Ensure the regular completion and review of all necessary risk assessments.
Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, safe plant, appropriate signage and systems of work.
Make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment.
Ensure safe use, handling and transport of articles and substances.
Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
Maintain a constant and continuing commitment to health and safety matters applicable to the company’s activities including emergency procedures, maintaining records, health surveillance and the employment of competent persons.

Smoking Policy
CBL adheres to all current legislation.

Vehicle Policy
All drivers within CBL must have the necessary certifications and be fully aware of the Highway Code and relevant legislation and must abide by them at all times. CBL carry out and review regular risk assessments on the use of vehicles as per section A02.1 of our General Procedures Manual (Driving at Work Policy).

Stress Policy
Work related stress is defined by the HSE as “an adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them”. Pressure is part of all work and helps to keep us motivated.

Excessive pressure can lead to stress, which undermines performance, is costly to employers and can make people ill. CBL is committed to reducing stress at all opportunities and therefore will:
Identify all work place stressors and conduct risk assessments to eliminate stress or control the risks from stress.
Provide good management practices for all managers.
Provide adequate resources to enable managers to implement the company’s agreed stress management strategy.
Be active in employee consultation through its management structure.

Every employee has a duty to cooperate in implementing the safety policy.
CBL ensure this policy is always in date, particularly as the business changes in size and nature, and reviews it on an annual basis.

Charlotte Barford          April 2024
Managing Director



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Health & Safety

CBL is committed to Health & Safety in all aspects of its work including a commitment to employees, customers, suppliers and members of the public.

Health & Safety

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Stakeholder Statement

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